Online Payments

$ 216 initial setup (USD)

  • CAD: $ 300.00 initial setup
  • EUR: 200 € initial setup
  • GBP: £ 168 initial setup

Activate payments for your online business. Select the best way to get paid automatically and securely while abiding by all compliance regulations.


Spend more time managing your business – let us setup your online payments.

We will help you decide which is the best setup for your business and will setup and test your on-line payments, payment plans, and/or subscription payments. Then we will either (1) fully manage this for you, or (2) show you and your team how to manage this yourselves.

Online Payments is included FREE when ordering a Shop with our Web Development solutions!

WEBSITES @ OURFINGERTIPS will fully customize your professional-grade eCommerce solution to work with your preferred merchants and payment methods and we ensure all effective means of security are in place at every level. Trust us to abide by all compliance regulations to protect your business and your customer’s identities, credit cards, and other payment information while allowing you to offer more payment options than any other solution – VISA, Master Card, American Express, INTERAC, Debit, Cash, Cheques, Apple Pay, Google Pay, QR Codes, and more!

See the many benefits of using our preferred merchant solutions for your business, we highly recommend as these have better rates and easy to understand fee structures and all the features we need to easily and securely automate all your payments and automatic subscription billings.

We fully support PayPal and Stripe and will help you decide which is better for your business.

PayPal was bought by eBay in 2002 and became the standard for online payments as it was the easiest to integrate with any ecommerce payment system. Recently, their support has degraded, their options have become confusing, and are no longer as competitive.

Stripe is a newer platform that launched in 2011 and has many advantages over PayPal – if you are already using PayPal, these advantages might not be enough to get you to switch over.

With this Online Payment solution, your website can immediately process credit card payments securely without customers ever leaving your website and the transaction is processed so your products and services can be delivered immediately. With Additional Services you can also have a dedicated professional investing the time needed each month to manage all your payments, refunds, update your customer provided credit card information and expiry dates, send notices of missed payments, provide reports, and work with you to make sure you are receiving the best possible service and value for your business needs.

We continue to spend considerable time and effort on finding the best payment options as we have many clients relying on us to make their eCommerce payments work for them … in most cases we only accept Credit Cards as everyone has a credit card, payments are immediate, we can fully automate subscriptions, and more …

Not sure if online payments are for you?

We understand your reluctance to paying transaction fees when accepting credit cards – when you do the math and see the advantages and adjust your pricing to accommodate the costs, you will see the many benefits of accepting credit cards. Many of our clients resist this too and everyone who does accept credit cards is happy with their decision when they see more of their customers paying with credit cards each year. We too resisted this for a long time – but there came a point when we realized this was making it harder for us to grow the business and win new clients – and we’re really happy with our decision – and we’re sure you will be too.

If we may, we would like to emphasize a few points – all pro accepting credit cards:

  1. The transaction and payment fees far outweigh the extra time needed to manage payments manually. Not to mention, this solution we have working in our websites automates almost every aspect of this – making collections and bookkeeping quick and easy monthly tasks.
  2. With subscription and recurring payment plans, skipped payments are automatically tried 3 times and if missed the amount is automatically added to the next payment – and you can login and manually try a missed payment anytime. After a payment skipped we send an email notice letting the customer know we didn’t get their payment and asking them to make sure they have enough funds when we try again and we provide instructions for how they can login and securely update their credit card info.
  3. Consider the additional time needed and work required to manually manage payments “off-line” to verify that payments have been received and the correct order is updated to show paid / partial payment / not paid. With this extra work you might not be happy with your new website and ‘online order desk’ (without accepting credit cards, we really can’t call it an “eCommerce solution”).
  4. Every eCommerce website accepts credit cards – and there is a good reason for this as payments and payment plans are received in real time and the website is informed of payment status so the orders can be processed – or not – depending on payment.
  5. Everyone has a credit card – and if someone doesn’t have a credit card – they are likely a high risk of not paying and not seeing the full value of your products and services.
  6. Managing changes to orders is easiest with credit card payments as you can cancel / refund / partially refund / increase future payments … all without needing additional permission from your customers or having to send separate payments as would be needed when receiving payments by other means, such as email transfer, interac, auto deposit, cheques, cash.
  7. You will most likely have more customers ordering more when they are able to pay with their credit card – especially when they only need to pay a small initial fee and monthly payments are automated. Your customers will like how your website ordering experience is the same as when ordering with so many other things they buy online these days.
  8. When accepting non credit card payments – or ‘off-line’ payments such as email transfer, interac, direct deposit, cheques, and cash – there are significant hidden costs, added complications, and payments can be delayed for days or weeks. We can help you give your customers options so they can choose how to pay … and we can set up your eCommerce online shop so ‘off-line’ options require your prior approval … and we can look at further developing your systems to make it easier for you and your staff to manage these ‘off-line’ payments and collections, refunds, bookkeeping, and more.

Payment Fees

Notice: the banks and credit card companies charge your business for transaction fees and these fees are not refunded – and many consumers do not know about these fees.

If you allow refunds, consider charging ‘Payment Fees’ when accepting credit card payments. Make sure you are not losing money to the banks and credit card companies and stop hiding the fact that they are charging you – you can charge for this – no matter what anyone tries to tell you. Consumers need to know about these fees.

If you do not charge ‘Payment Fees’, reduce refund amounts on credit card charges by the transaction fees you paid – why lose money to pay the banks and credit card companies when you don’t get paid?

Do the math correctly and make it clear to your customers that, when paying with a credit card, the ‘Payment Fees’ are not refundable. Keeping ‘Payment Fees’ as a separate line item, will make it easier for you to do refunds and keep this amount.

Example with amount = $1,000 and fee = 0.035 (3.5% to cover transaction fees), then

The math is NOT

Wrong Payment Fee = amount x fee = 1000 x 0.035 = $35.00

The math IS

Payment Fee = (amount / (1 – fee)) – amount

Payment Fee = (1000 / 0.965) – 1000 = $36.27

Charge the customer $1,036.27


* PayPal Pro Charges: updated 2021-05-01

In Canada: $35 CAD per month for Pro version with Recurring Payments and Virtual Terminal
+ per transaction fees = $0.30 CAD + 2.9% (rate decreases to 2.5% when you receive 3K+ /month >> to 2.2% when 12K+/month)



In UK: £20 GBP per month for Pro version with Recurring Payments and Virtual Terminal
+ per transaction fees = £0.20 GBP + 2.9% (reduced rates for charities and for amounts received each month)



In USA: $30 USD per month for Pro version with Recurring Payments and Virtual Terminal
+ per transaction fees = $0.30 USD + 2.9% (reduced rates for charities and for amounts received each month)



All countries: PayPal no longer refunds transaction fees as of October 11, 2019

!! Notice for our eCommerce subscription and payment plans:

We need: PayPal Payments Pro version 3.0 with Recurring Payments and Virtual Terminal

If you create a PayPal account yourself it will be the wrong account type and we will not be able to use it with our custom solution (we need ‘PayPal Payments Pro version 3.0’ – we cannot use ‘PayPal Payflow Pro’). The PayPal Sales Department needs to create this when setting up a new account – call PayPal and a Merchant Sales Specialist will help you set up your new account.

In Canada and the US, call 1-866-357-0135 >> then press option #2 for a Merchant Sales Specialist.

For other countries, ask us for help finding the phone number as PayPal has recently removed their phone numbers from their public website.

When you speak with PayPal’s Merchant Sales Specialist, they will walk you through setting up an account on-line at where you will need to provide:

  • an email address such as billing@ (suggest a separate account so you can keep your payments and finances private – not info@ or the email your customers and staff use),
  • password you need to keep private for the account,
  • your company information,
  • bank account information (the bank account into which you will be withdrawing the funds received from your on-line sales).

Once your PayPal account is activated with Recurring Payments & Virtual Terminal – let us know so we can help you setup and test that it works. We provide you with your PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) URL so your website can securely track payments, provide reports, and send personal email notices to your customers (such as ‘payment skipped’).

To securely manage payments from your website, you will need your PayPal Pro API Username, Password, and Signature – here are the steps to get this info:

  1. Login to
  2. click gear top right > click ‘Account Settings’
  3. click ‘Update’ next to ‘API access’ (upper right)
  4. click ‘Manage API credentials’ under ‘NVP/SOAP API integration (Classic)’
  5. create and copy then send by email to us

Spend more time managing your business – let us setup your online payments.

To get started order now or to learn more please contact us.