About Us

Websites & Marketing for Business Owners
manage > develop > market > repeat

We are a small shop concentrating on providing quality above quantity. See the following posts for more about us and contact us if you have any questions or want help getting started.

It’s In The Approach

At OURFINGERTIPS the approach is simple – we are here to help you make the most of the technology at your fingertips. As a client you benefit by ...

Why our clients are so happy

@ OURFINGERTIPS is built on a solid foundation of products and services and our clients have direct access to our lead developer and team of dedicated professionals that make it happen.


Hello! My name is Flannery Cross. Working with people is my passion. I love discussing ideas and finding ways to make them a reality, and I feel that technology is one of the best ways to get us there.

Our Founder & CEO

Hi! I’m Robert Milburn. I'm a first generation computer geek. In grade 5 we had vic20 computers in our school and we learned to program and save our files on paper cards.

The Company

We have a better way for business owners to manage, develop, and market their web based operations!